Sunstar - Walk through a rainbow!
An art/science work by Liliane Lijn, artist, and John Vallerga, astrophysicist at UC Berkeley Space Science Lab, Sunstar is a large-scale and far-reaching daytime installation sited on the historic 150-foot Solar Tower on Mount Wilson. Using engineered glass prisms and specially designed code, a spray of diffracted sunlight is projected to specific locations, making the solar spectrum visible just at the meeting point of earth and sky in the form of a sparkling star. On loan to Mount Wilson Observatory, Sunstar will be beaming on ArtCenter’s Hillside Campus over the October 5 and 6 weekend, and will be visible from the sculpture garden and the grassy area of Sinclaire Pavilion.
Presented in conjunction with the ArtCenter College of Design's PST ART: Art & Science Collide exhibition Seeing the Unseeable: Data, Design, Art.
"Sunstar," 2018, Liliane Lijn and John Ballerga. On loan to Mt. Wilson Observatory.
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