Invisibility: Powers and Perils Curatorial Walkthrough with Yael Lipschutz
Join OXY ARTS for a walkthrough of their PST ART: Art & Science Collide exhibition Invisibility: Powers and Perils with curator Yael Lipschutz.
The condition of invisibility—and its counterpart, hypervisibility—has long played an important role in science, literature and the arts. More recently it has become the locus of some of the most pressing struggles of our time. Vulnerable populations around the world have long borne the effects of both invisibility and hypervisibility—increasingly so in the digital age of drone warfare, facial recognition and surveillance. The politics of the invisible also permeates the planet’s ongoing environmental destruction by human beings.
This exhibition highlights the work of artists and scientists striving to render visible the people, histories and planetary conditions that have been erased within the cultural mainstream, helping to make legible the limits of our own conception of the invisible and its ecological and humanitarian ramifications.
"The Encyclopedia of Invisibility," 2018, Tavares Strachan. Dark blue goat skin leather, frontier opaque paper. Photo by Brooke DiDonato. ©Tavares Strachan.
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