LFLA LAPL P1 Signature Image - No Prior Art

Inventors Day


Calling inventors, creators, makers, crafters, tinkerers, artists, and scientists of all ages! This day-long activates the whole Central Library, and features:

  • Hands-on activities: Indigenous Futurism & Technologies Tiles Project, Jewelry Tinkering and more;
  • Screenings and conversations: On toy design, IP, and more;
  • Gallery tours: Led by curator Todd Lerew; and
  • Pop-up Installations: One-day only presentations by KAOS Network.

See the full schedule here.

"BEACON" by Shervone Neckles in collaboration with Beam Center, and Lewis Latimer House Museum, 2020- 2021. Courtesy Beam Center. ©Shervone Neckles, Beam Center, and Lewis Latimer House Museum.


Library Foundation of Los Angeles and Los Angeles Public Library

630 West 5th Street, Los Angeles

7:00PM - 1:00AM

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