Material Acts: Experimentation in Architecture and Design examines the role of nature as a starting point for material experimentation in the domains of architecture, craft, and science. While nature has often stood in as a model, metaphor, or resource for designers, the recent global upheavals in climate, ecology, and technology are driving intensive understandings of nature’s tangible and imagined substrate. The exhibition will examine how contemporary design practices mobilize, confound, and generate natures, whether through simulating mechanics or growing biological matter. The exhibition is organized around five material acts, Animating, Disassembling, Feeding, Re-fusing, and Stitching. Each of these terms operate as thematic clusters illustrating key events in a material’s production, from the fusion of sedimentary grain such as sand with plastics, to the intentional dismantling of a stone column by the pulling of a single piece of string. If we frame “materials” as a verb rather than a fixed object, as “authored” objects rather than discovered conditions, we are better able to explore the fullness of matter undergoin transformation as it sheds one state of arrangement in order to adopt another.
Curated by: Kate Yeh Chiu and Jia Yi Gu
Contributors Include: Adobeisnotsoftware, After Architecture, Anupama Kundoo, Assemble, Assia Crawford, Atelier LUMA, BC architects, Charlotte Malterre-Barthes, DOSU Studio Architecture, Dylan Wood, Gramazio Kohler Research, HANNAH, Joar Nango, Maru Garcia, Natural Materials Lab, Omar Kahn, Post Rock, Rael San Fratello, Sara Inga Utsi Bongo, SOFTLAB, Soft Matters, Sutherlin Santo, Yogiaman Tracy Design.
"Biophilic Knit Mold tensioned by scaffold," 2019, Christine Yogiaman. Textile mold. Courtesy of the artist. ©2019 Christine Yogiaman.