Recon Watchmen defending Meecuna Mountain entrance from the Castilian military force onslaught, 2023, Virgil Ortiz, Photography/Digital Art. Courtesy of the artist. © 2023 Virgil Ortiz
Future Imaginaries: Indigenous Art, Fashion, Technology

Future Imaginaries explores the rising use of Futurism in contemporary Indigenous art as a means of enduring colonial trauma, creating alternative futures, and advocating for Indigenous technologies in a more inclusive present and sustainable future. More than 50 artworks are on display, some interspersed throughout the museum to create unexpected encounters and dialogues between contemporary Indigenous creations and historic Autry works. Artists such as Andy Everson, Ryan Singer, and Neil Ambrose Smith wittily upend pop-culture icons by Indigenizing sci-fi characters and storylines. Wendy Red Star places Indigenous people in surreal spacescapes wearing fantastical regalia, and Virgil Ortiz brings his own space odyssey, Revolt 1680/ 2180, to life in a new, site-specific installation. By intermingling science fiction, self-determination, and Indigenous technologies across a diverse array of Native cultures, Future Imaginaries envisions sovereign futures while countering historical myths and the ongoing impact of colonization, including environmental degradation and toxic stereotypes.

Revolt 1680 / 2180 is a part of Future Imaginaries. In 1680 the Pueblo revolt began. Decades before, Spanish colonizers had ravaged the landscape and decimated the Indigenous Pueblo population. Led by Po'pay, the members of this historic uprising were successful in expelling the colonizers from their homelands, and for twelve years after freeing themselves, the Pueblos of New Mexico lived free from Castilian rule and influence. In 1692, the Spanish returned with a vengeance and stole the lands again. In ReVOlt 1680 / 2180, a contemporary retelling of this history by visionary Cochitl Pueblo artist Virgil Ortiz, the 1680 rebels will have more resources and aid, and their territories will be secure once and for all. For more info visit

Recon Watchmen defending Meecuna Mountain entrance from the Castilian military force onslaught, 2023, Virgil Ortiz, Photography/Digital Art. Courtesy of the artist. © 2023 Virgil Ortiz

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Autry Museum of the American West

4700 Western Heritage Way, Los Angeles


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A photograph of a male figure in a black suit standing in a desert landscape at night with lightening bolts in the background.
"Elder statesman Astian of the Sirens awaits the arrival of the Survivorship fleet transporting the Recon Watchmen to Puebloan lands," 2023, Virgil Ortiz, Photography/Digital Art. Courtesy of the artist. © 2023 Virgil Ortiz.
"Elder statesman Astian of the Sirens awaits the arrival of the Survivorship fleet transporting the Recon Watchmen to Puebloan lands," 2023, Virgil Ortiz, Photography/Digital Art. Courtesy of the artist. © 2023 Virgil Ortiz.
A photograph of two mean in red capes and bronze headdresses surrounded by large beige stones.
"Recon Watchmen defending Meecuna Mountain entrance from the Castilian military force onslaught," 2023, Virgil Ortiz, Photography/Digital Art. Courtesy of the artist. ©2023 Virgil Ortiz.
"Recon Watchmen defending Meecuna Mountain entrance from the Castilian military force onslaught," 2023, Virgil Ortiz, Photography/Digital Art. Courtesy of the artist. ©2023 Virgil Ortiz.