An image of a beach and ocean projected onto a wall. A door is on the right hand side. The ocean and sky are different shaders of blue. Small white lights are scattered across the whole image.

Embodied Pacific


Embodied Pacific, a collaboration between UC San Diego’s Department of Visual Arts and Birch Aquarium at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, features 18 artworks created by artists in partnership with scientists from Scripps and laboratories across UC San Diego. The exhibition spans three sites on the UC San Diego campus including Birch Aquarium, as well as Kosay Kumeyaay Market, an Indigenous-run arts center located in Old Town San Diego. In a time of planetary crisis, the exhibition examines the intersection of oceanography and Indigenous knowledge and objects — such as Kumeyaay basket-making and full-sized tule reed boats—and imagines an intercultural approach to sustaining our oceans. Reaching audiences across San Diego and La Jolla, Embodied Pacific helps our community imagine a collective intercultural role in sustaining our ocean body in a time of critical change.

"Indigenous Stories are All Around You," 2023, Kilma S. Lattin and Catherine Eng. Extended reality installation view, Beyond the Metaverse with OurWorlds, QI Gallery, Qualcomm Institute, UC San Diego, March 2023. Alex Matthews. ©UC San Diego Qualcomm Institute.

UC San Diego Visual Arts in partnership with Birch Aquarium at Scripps Institution of Oceanography

2300 Expedition Way, San Diego


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