!["Weathered Wood Of An Ancient Bristlecone Pine (Pinus Longaeva), Great Basin," 2023, Tiffany Shlain and Ken Goldberg. Photograph. Stock media provided by [imageBROKER]/ Pond5.](https://getty-pst.imgix.net/gtc_pst2024_scc0002.jpg?q=80&auto=format%2Ccompress)
As we confront escalating environmental concerns and pervasive societal inequities, trees remind us of the interconnectedness of our histories, our landscapes, and our collective futures. Harnessing the timeless power of trees and their importance in Jewish thought and tradition, this art installation by artists Tiffany Shlain and Ken Goldberg draws inspiration from the complex landscape of Los Angeles and the science of tree dating.
"Weathered Wood Of An Ancient Bristlecone Pine (Pinus Longaeva), Great Basin," 2023, Tiffany Shlain and Ken Goldberg. Photograph. Stock media provided by [imageBROKER]/ Pond5.
Skirball Cultural Center
2701 North Sepulveda Boulevard, Los Angeles
TUE-SAT:11:30am-3:30 pm
SUN:11am-3:30 pm